
ACLang is an open source LLVM Clang based compiler that implements the OpenMP Accelerator Model. It adds a new runtime library to LLVM/CLang that supports OpenMP offloading to accelerators like GPUs. Kernel functions are extracted from OpenMP annotated regions and are dispatched as OpenCL or SPIR code to be loaded and compiled by OpenCL drivers before being executed by the device. AClang leverages on the ISL implementation of the polyhedral model to implement a multilevel tiling optimization on the extracted kernels. AClang also provides a vectorization pass developed specifically to exploit the vector instructions available in OpenCL. This whole process is transparent and does not require any programmer intervention.

How it works

The version 4.0 of the OpenMP standard introduces new directives that enable the transfer of computation to heterogeneous computing devices (e.g. GPUs or DSP). We use this programming model to transfer computation to an accelerator that supports OpenCL 1.2 or greater, giving to the programmer the ability to quickly expand the computational power exploring their target devices.

The following example shows how ACLang works from a programmer perspective. It presents two loops from the “Matrix Vector Product and Transpose” (mvt) program of the Polybench benchmark suite after they have been annotated with OpenMP 4.0 pragmas:

// Problem size
#define N 8192

void mvt_gpu(float* a, float* x1, float* x2,
                       float* y1, float* y2)
  int i,j;

  #pragma omp target data device(GPU) map(to: a[ :N*N])
    #pragma omp target map(to: y1[:N]) map(tofrom: x1[:N])
    #pragma omp parallel for simd
    for (i=0; i<N; i++)
      for (j=0; j<N; j++)
        x1[i] = x1[i] + a[i*N + j] * y1[j];

    #pragma omp target map(to: y2[:N]) map(tofrom: x2[:N])
    #pragma omp parallel for simd
    for (i=0; i<N; i++)
      for (j=0; j<N; j++)
        x2[i] = x2[i] + a[j*N + i] * y2[j];

In the first loop the program computes the matrix vector multiplication followed by the transpose between a and y1 storing the result into vector x1. The second loop does a similar task for a, y2 and x2. As shown in Listing above, the target clause defines the portion of the program that will be executed by the device (GPU in the example). The map clause details the mapping of the data between the host and the target device. For example in the first kernel of Listing above inputs (a and y1) are mapped to the GPU, and array x1 is mapped to/from the GPU. This means that array x1 is read and written during the kernel execution in the GPU. This strategy offers maximal flexibility to the developer to decide which part of the code is profitable to run on which architecture.

Host code to perform data offloading in ACLang is handled automatically during the LLVM/IR generation phase and occurs in between the begin and end scopes of pragmas “omp target [data] map”. Also, during this phase ACLang extracts annotated loops from the compiler AST and transforms them into OpenCL kernels in source code format. Moreover, ACLang also optimizes the extracted OpenCL kernels. For example as shown in Listing below it tiles and vectorizes the first loop of the code in example above transforming it to OpenCL kernel with blocks and threads suitable to run on any GPU containing vector instructions.

__kernel void mvt_gpu_0(__global float *a,
                        __global float *x1,
                        __global float *y1) {
  int b0 = get_group_id(0);
  int t0 = get_local_id(0);
  __private float4 _ft0;
  __private float4 _ft1;
  __private float4 _ft2;
  _ft0 = vload4(0, &x1[(4*b0) + t0]);
  for (int c1 = 0; c1 <= 8191; c1 += 4){
    _ft1 = vload4(0, &a[((32768*b0) + (8192*t0)) + c1]);
    _ft2 = vload4(0, &y1[c1]);
    _ft0 = _ft0 + (_ft1 * _ft2);
  x1[(4*b0) + t0] = ((_ft0.x + _ft0.y) + _ft0.z) + _ft0.w;

You can look at Unibench repository if you want to see more examples.

Documentation, Installation, Configuration

All the information is provided in the Wiki.